The AEJMC Network is a shared home for the Web presences of divisions and interest groups who comprise the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, a professional organization for journalism and mass communication … [ More ]

Networking Home for Divisions and Interest Groups
Shared web space for AEJMC DIGs
The AEJMC Network is a shared home for the Web presences of divisions and interest groups who comprise the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, a professional organization for journalism and mass communication … [ More ]
An overview: AEJMC makes WordPress available to member organizations sharing space in the AEJMC Network. Simply stated, WordPress is a system of scripts that manage and interact with data tables containing your website content. How your … [More}
Frequently asked questions: What are the origins of the AEJMC Network? Is Web space all that the network provides? What about Listserv or other mail list managers? How is server space paid for? Who maintains our Web site on … [More]
The word "Division" as used here and throughout these pages applies to AEJMC Divisions, Interest Groups, Commissions, and any other AEJMC subgroup that uses the AEJMC Network. The popular appeal of WordPress also makes it an attractive … [More]